Monday, January 24, 2011

Here Goes Nothing.

bring it on snow.

WOW. I cannot believe the day has come. I am actually leaving for Prague tomorrow! My emotions are endless: excited, anxious, nervous, happy, fortunate, STOKED. However, I am quite worried considering I do not know one word of czech, and supposedly it's not too easy to learn. oops. Basically, these next four months will be the most incredible months of my life. I cannot wait to learn, travel, and really use this time to become more independent and realize that there is a whole world outside of my little bubble. For once in my life, I am excited to be uncomfortable and out of my element. I've got myself used to Calabasas, to Berkeley, my core group of friends, and now I am entering an entirely new stage, one that I have no idea of what's to come.

don't worry, these all fit into my 2 duffels =]
So,I've never had a blog, but I figured it would be the best way to let everyone I care about know about everything I am doing, seeing, eating, learning, etc. I will try my best to update it often, but knowing me I will start out strong, every day or so, and then end up doing other things... apparently prague has a huge party scene. I had absolutely NO idea ;-)

I'm on a non-stop flight to London tomorrow, staying there for 2 nights, flying to Munich, and then finally heading to Prague. I am going to be living in the dorms with Jenna and 2 other girls, Steph and Kirsten (they go to Boulder). Anyway, I hope you enjoy this blog and I will be sure to take LOTS of pictures and post them. Thanks to Molly, Ragan, and Alex for the AMAZING LISTS of places to go in Prague. Seriously, you are lifesavers.

get ready prague, here I come.


Eat play love said...

I can't imagine the adventures that await you. We know u will have a wonderful time. Enjoy every minute of your amazing experience...and return to us safely! Xo Mom

Eat play love said...

I absolutely love reading the detailed descriptions of your adventures. I really get a sense of what your days (and nights) are like. Boy you sound like you are having a wonderful time. Love the pics as well. Xxoo mom

Nancy said...

Great blog Dani……it gives us a wonderful prospective on life abroad. I love getting a peek on life in Prague and not to mention all the travels ahead. I'll be following! xoxo,Nancy