Friday, February 11, 2011

czech does NOT equal spanish.

jenna and i at the opera
hello all, sorry it's been so long, but we have been very busy. today marked the last day of our first week of our INTENSIVE (and by intensive, i really mean that-- 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, of AWFUL czech language). You would literally die if you sat in on that class, i wish i could record it. Jenna and I laugh the ENTIRE time. the letters do not make the sound you would think. for example, ch makes a k sound. makes sense right? no. it sucks. i just speak spanish half the time, which the teacher is not too thrilled about! anyway, we're starting to get it, but it is definitely not going to become a second language. i know how to say the basic greetings and ordering food and drinks (crucial) even though most places speak some english. we are in the 9am-145pm class and our other 2 dorm mates are in the 230-645 one, which kind of sucks since we hardly see them anymore, but we still go out at night. these past few days have been awesome though, besides the class, because we're starting to get a daily routine going, making prague really seem like our home.
jenna, kirsten and i 
this week, we've been waking up at 8, leaving the dorm by 830, stopping at this fresh juice store for some good mango, kiwi, orange juice, going to class, going to the gym, and heading back to the dorm. you know how i always like to feel productive in the morning, so i actually prefer the morning class. last night jenna and I went to an Opera composed by mozart called Magic Flute. the opera house was absolutely stunning. there was a huge chandelier and gold lined throughout the entire theater. it was my first opera and I have to admit i am not rushing back to another one. don't get me wrong, i'm glad i went since it was very interesting and i feel like it was super cultural and one of those things you have to do here, but i'm not the opera type. this weekend, jenna and i are going to try and trek to find a launder-mat because we've been dragging this out for way too long and we both agree it's time to do laundry. the weather hasn't been too bad surprisingly, but our teacher told us it's supposed to get bad again, GREAT. I'm starting to really know my way around, and starting to really feel at home. this is honestly the most beautiful city. i'm hoping to explore a bit this weekend, hopefully go to the lennon wall and charles bridge if it is nice out. mostly, i'm just excited to sleep in!!! Anyway, i miss you all, and don't worry about me, i am having the time of my life!

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