Tuesday, February 1, 2011


jenna & i outside of the synagogue 
jenna and i at the pilsner brewery
Dobry Den! Today was a LONG LONG day over here in central europe. We woke up at 8am and headed out on an hour and a half bus ride to a town right inside the border of czech republic called Pilzen. It is not as beautiful as Prague, but it was super interesting and we did a bunch of cool things. First we saw the Jewish Sanctuary of pilzen-- the third largest synagogue in the WORLD. Unfortunately, now there are hardly any Jews left in Pilzen to pray in it, so it is mostly used for concerts and exhibitions. It is insanely gorgeous and exquisitely designed. We learned all about when the communists took over the town, they couldn't destroy the synagogue because it is too close to the main town and attached to some homes. However, the nazis DID remove all the stars of david from the building. After that, we went to the older synagogue which is a lot smaller, but the one that is used for prayer today. We also saw a jewish memorial of all the jews in Pilzen that passed away during World War 2. After the morning tours, we went to a czech lunch in the little town square of Pilzen. I've got to admit, I'm really enjoying some hot goulash and dumplings after a day of 12 degree touring weather. After lunch, we went to the Pilsner brewery (the same one we went to coming into prague) and got to see the entire factory and how they brew everything. It is amazing to see all of the technology and the differences from today from when they first started brewing so many years ago. After a long day, my roommates and I passed out at about 7pm and just woke up a couple hours ago. I'm starting to feel the time difference!!! Anyway, it was a very long day, but very informative and pretty. I love learning about how special the czech republic is and why it is so historical. Hope all is well and I'll update you soon !

1 comment:

Eat play love said...

Love your updates. Wish i could have seen the temples. they sound unbelievable. Xxoo mom